10 Facts about Westlake Lake

Ownership: Our Lake and Dam are private and solely owned and operated by Westlake Lake Management Association (WLMA), a non-profit corporation.

Purpose: The Lake was created and exists to enhance “scenic beauty” and recreation in the Westlake community.

Water and Wells: The Lake water is the lifeline of WLMA. The Lake is served by wells jointly owned by WLMA and the Westlake Golf Course

Dam: The integrity of the dam cannot be compromised.

Scenic Beauty, Safety, Ecology and Recreation are among WLMA's top priorities.

Authority: WLMA is governed by its CC&Rs, Articles, By-Laws, and California Lake License and applicable California law .

Administration: Thirty-three volunteer Board Representatives elected from WLMA members (Homeowners and The Landing) administer the Lake.

Funding: The Lake is funded solely by member assessment to the Homeowners and The Landing, and by dock, boat, and fishing fees.

Lake Use: Lake use is for the 1,300+ Homeowners, their guests, Westlake Yacht Club members, and the Westlake community.

Public or Commercial Activity: No public or commercial activity is allowed on the Lake except by WLMA’s permission for furthering its purposes.