

Dear Members of Westlake Lake Community,

This month, I’d like to provide some recent examples of how Westlake Lake Management Association (WLMA) continues its unwavering commitment to preserving the health and beauty of our beloved lake. We are guided by our motto, “All roads lead to the lake!” One of the ways we fulfill our mission is continuously seeking new and efficient methods to maintain the lake’s ecosystem which is paramount to lake health and beauty.

Most recently, we applied the second installment of ALUM Sulphate treatment to the entire lake on April 9th and 10th. This ALUM Sulphate treatment was applied in two installments (the first one in April of last year). The ALUM Sulphate was applied by specialists utilizing GPS to ensure consistent and complete lake coverage. This provides a solid base of ALUM throughout the lakebed to build upon as a maintenance measure for consistent lake conditions for years to come. In addition to its effectiveness, this method also saves on other annual algae control costs, making it a sustainable and cost-effective solution for our lake.

What is ALUM Sulphate: ALUM Sulphate is a mineral applied to the water’s surface, which sinks to the bottom, and binds to phosphorus in the lake sediment. This process reduces algae outbreaks and enhances water clarity, which is particularly crucial during the hot summer months. Importantly, this mineral application does not harm fish or wildlife. Some other examples that our Lake Operations Manager, Nick Smith, has spearheaded include:

  • New Lake Debris Cleanup Methods & Equipment: Debris cleanup is a year-round effort especially after heavy rains due to debris that enters the lake from the 28 square miles of street runoff and from Lake Sherwood. If not picked up timely, debris sinks to the bottom of the lake causing other issues (and costs) to manage. The current cleanup process is a manual back-breaking process, and slow. Nick researched and identified more efficient methods and equipment that he is now putting into action.

  • Managing Carp: The on-going management of carp is a crucial part of the maintenance of a healthy lake ecosystem. Carp has been part of the lake since the early 1970s. Nick and his crew have put a program in place that utilizes special equipment for this purpose.

  • Fishing Committee: Nick teams with a “Fishing Committee” of volunteers led by Mike Bogash, WLMA VP, to help with various initiatives to ensure the lake’s health and beauty remain intact.

WLMA remains steadfast in our dedication to the lake’s well-being. We are committed to exploring new avenues and technologies to ensure Westlake Lake remains healthy and beautiful for generations to come.

– Chip Lightfoot President, Westlake Lake Management Association